Hier sehen sie den Filmtrailer zu der Geschichte "A Ghost n the Castle" vorstellen.Der ca. 14 minütige komplette Kinderfilm handelt von der ungewöhnlichen Freundschaft einer kleinen Maus und einer Weißen Eule.
This is the movie trailer of the story "The Ghost in the Castle". A circus Ringmaster has an owl that he bought as a baby from a zoo in the hope it would rid him of the mice that eat the circus animal food.
To protect it from the circus cat, the owl has had to grow up in a cage and cannot fly.
Not knowing it cannot fly, a gardener for a rich castle owner buys the owl, thinking that it will rid the castle of the plague of mice that the castle owner thinks is a ghost.
Left alone in the castle attic, the owl´s lonely hoots are mistaken as proof of a new ghost; more troublesome than the first. A mouse befriends the owl and together, they find a new life for themselves and fulfil their dreams.
A Ghost in she Castle is a charming story for children, about overcomming our limitations, finding new friends and fulfilling our potential.
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